Family Support
Family Support is a state funded grant that provides financial assistance for families who have a family member with a disability.
The Arc Davidson County & Greater Nashville administers the Family Support grant for Davidson & Wilson Counties.
The Arc's Family Support Program serves approximately 650 individuals with disabilities in Davidson & Wilson Counties. The participants represent all socio-economic backgrounds and types of permanent disability. Currently there are over 500 people on the waiting list for Family Support. Yet it is estimated that the people on the waiting list are only a small percentage of the true population of persons with disabilities in Davidson County.
Family Support assistance varies between $500-$1,500 which is determined by funding and availability. Assistance is provided to residents in the Davidson County area that meet specific criteria. This amount is determined by The Arc Davidson County & Greater Nashville's local councils. The money may be used for anything the family needs to improve their quality of life. Such expenses might include specialized equipment, medical supplies, respite care, or transportation. Additionally, there is some funding for emergency situations for families on the waiting list. By vote of the local council, the emergency funding is earmarked for emergencies only (which is determined by need and availability of funds.)
Many of the participants in Family Support are dependent on Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI) for the bulk of their income, and often the Family Support grant means the difference between being able to buy medicine or put food on the table or having to do without.
In addition to the dollars committed by the State of Tennessee to our Family Support Program, we also administer Community Enhancement Funds provided by the Mayor’s Office Metro Davidson County. In general terms, these dollars are also available to persons with a permanent disability, although there may be slight differences in the manner in which the funds are allocated.
Click links below to fill out the form that applies to you
English Forms
Eligibility Packet for Davidson and Wilson (only for prospective participants)
Re-Eligibility (only for approved participants)
Formularios en Espanol
Reeligibilidad (solo para participantes aprobados)
For further information about any of the programs mentioned, please contact Lorie Golden at (615) 321-5699 ext. 110 or