The Arc Davidson County and Greater Nashville is pleased to announce a new program; Retail Employees with Disabilities or REDI which is a Walgreens training program that will help prepare people with disabilities to be qualified candidates for positions in our stores, as well as in any business that requires similar retail or customer service skills.
We have partnered with Walgreens and The Department of Human Services Vocational Rehabilitation Services to provide this program to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
The REDI program will prepare our individuals for our employment at a Walgreens store or a business that requires similar retail and customer service skills. Walgreens store managers have trained a qualified Arc Davidson County and Greater Nashville Job Coach in all aspects of the REDI program. Our job coach then uses their Walgreens training experience and the REDI training curriculum to train individuals selected for the program to do all of the tasks of a Walgreens service clerk.
At the conclusion of training, the store manager evaluates the individual. If the individual graduates REDI with a recommendation for hire, Walgreens will work with The Arc Davidson County and Greater Nashville to find a nearby store that is hiring. Walgreens will also connect with other local retailers and provide a reference for the individual.
We are very excited about this program and all the possibilities it will provide for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To get more information about the REDI program please contact the Employment Services Program at 615-321-5699.