Don't Give Up
Starting a new job can be exciting, nerve wracking, and scary all at once. Everyone gets nervous, overwhelmed, and scared when starting a new job. There is a lot to get used to; a new routine, new co-workers, new managers, different environment. Using your supports can be the key to transitioning successfully into your new work place. There are a lot of things you can do to help make your new job less scary and to help you be successful. One thing you should not do is give up after the first day.
The first day maybe easy or it can be overwhelming. It is important to communicate your feelings to your job coach or service provider. It is their job to help you work through those feelings and to find ways to be successful at your job. Some of the tools they give you could have immediate results, others may take some time. One thing to note is that you are not alone. Your job coach and service provider are there to help you through the start of your employment.
So while you may have great days and some not so great days when starting a new job, don’t give up. Work with your job coach and service provider, your employer knows you are the right person for the job that is why they hired you.