Tramactic Brain Injury Family Support Program
Traumatic Brain Injury Family Support Program
The Tennessee Department of Health has partnered with The Arc Davidson County & Greater Nashville to administer the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Targeted Family Support Program effective July 1, 2017. The intent of the statewide program is to benefit the individual with disability due to traumatic brain injury. This program will assist those individuals and their families to remain together in their homes and community. The program is modeled after the DIDD Family Support Program as described in the Family Support (TCA 33-5-201). The statewide program will enroll 119 individuals and grant a $2000.00 allocation per fiscal year. Persons currently enrolled in the ECF and CHOICES waivers are eligible to apply. One cannot be enrolled on both the Tennessee Family Support Program and the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Targeted Family Support.
Please refer interested individuals/families to The Arc Davidson County & Greater Nashville Traumatic Brain Injury Family Support Coordinator, London Anderson. She will be happy to assist individuals and families in completing the intake form and explaining the eligibility process.
London Anderson
Office 615-321-5699 x 229
Fax 615-627-1405